Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 3-1

Digital Citizenship is a broad topic with many different branches, yet it is part of the NETS standards that we include it in our curriculum. How can we ensure we are touching on all of the facets of digital citizenship prior to introducing a digital technology project in the classroom? What makes a good digital citizen?
Our digital footprint doesn’t have to be a scary thought. I think teachers; even young digital savvy teachers need to be education first on digital citizenship. If teachers don’t understand the consequences, than they will never be able to communicate its importance to their students. I have to disagree with the statement, that digital citizenship is a broad topic. I disagree because I don’t think it is broad but better described as ever changing. As technology changes quickly so doesn’t digital citizenship and teachers should keep in mind and stay on top of all the changes and rely them back to their students.

I will use resources much like the Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship website which outlines what makes a good digital citizen.
1. Digital Access
2. Digital Commerce
3. Digital Communication
4. Digital Literacy
5. Digital Etiquette
6. Digital Law
7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities
8. Digital Health & Wellness
9. Digital Security (self-protection)
I believe practicing and promoting good digital citizenship is one of the essential parts of the "> NETS standards . Not once, but twice they mentions the word “modeling” in the NET standards which is my way of attack to ensure that students understand the importance before diving into technology based learning.

A good digital citizen is someone who used technology appropriately. The use of technology should be done with etiquette and for the better good. A digital citizen follows the laws and respects others rights and well being. I will expect this from my students.


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